Thursday, December 18, 2008
And so it begins.
1. Myboyfriend is now even more awesome than usual because he isn't drowning himself in an immense amount of 10 page papers.
2. Danielle comes home tomorrow
3. My sister and her family are coming to visit for a few days after Christmas
4. Dan DeLuca, his family, and I are going to see Shrek on January 2nd. And I'll get to see Andrew that afternoon too!
5. Dad's 64th birthday is January 3rd
6. Animal Collective Merriweather Post Pavilion listening party on January 5th in the city with Evan.
7. Seeing Billy Elliot sometime in mid January and then getting to see Gary and Jeff the same day!
8. 8 months with Evan on the 14th
9. January 20th: Animal Collective show/Obama/MPP release
There's bound to be more awesome happenings during the break. Yay!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Kovu and Thanksgiving and school, oh my!
For Thanksgiving Johnny, Kerry, and Jack came up from Georgia for a few days and it was so great seeing them. Sucks that they live so far away :/ They're my favorites!
Jack-Jack and my Dad :)
Tomorrow and Friday are my last 2 days of classes for the semester. YAY! I'm more excited over the fact that I won't have this crazed monster as my boyfriend for one whole month, he'll actually be somewhat normal and enjoyable, thank god.
I probably should get back to studying for political science and spanish...see ya!
p.s. Christmas is in 22 days
Monday, November 10, 2008
January 20th, 2009
The release of Animal Collective's 9th studio album, Merriweather Post Pavilion
And as of yesterday around 3:30 pm, Evan and I will be seeing Animal Collective in the city that night.
Fuck yes.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
redletterday8809: i miss you awfully ms klock
redletterday8809: so bad
redletterday8809: like makes me want to murder innocent kittens bad
OH Klockyy: thats what i was thinking, either that or just stealing you, telling your family and professors that you joined the peacecorp and keeping you locked in my room guarded by kovu so you cant escape and feed you blended chicken salad sandwhiches and tuna melts through a straw
OH Klockyy: but i thought that was a bit extreme
redletterday8809: i would kick you in the shin if you did that
OH Klockyy: you wouldnt be able to. your legs would be tied together and attached to a chair
OH Klockyy: trust me, i have it all planned out
redletterday8809: sexy
OH Klockyy: you have no idea
redletterday8809: lol
OH Klockyy: alright enough of the craziness haha i love you too much to ever do that
OH Klockyy: but dont tempt me
redletterday8809: hey we could always just run away together
redletterday8809: : )
OH Klockyy: that seems a lot less violent and constraining, i like that a lot
I totally love this guy.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Random thoughts...?
I think I'm going to buy myself a new camera this week so that should be nice. I need some sort of new gadget to play with and a second computer to mess around with is out of the question since I'm trying really hard to save money. I also just opened up a Flickr account cause I have a ton of old pictures that are just so great, great meaning hysterical/pathetic/really lame...such as 9th grade me...oh god haha. It'll help me organize myself and it'll also be fun going through tons of older pictures again.
New Animal Collective cd in January. So psyched!
I can't stand Kovu anymore. And as I typed that I looked behind me and he sitting there giving me a really cute look. Ughhh....
I'm in the middle of a wordtwist game on facebook with Jeff...adios
Friday, October 17, 2008
Time flies...
Ben and I took a couple of cute pictures too.
That would be Johnny and Meg playing in the girly kitchen
And Ben is secretly a vampire.
Halloween is coming up and I think I want to schedule myself to work that night just so I can wear a costume and mess around with my manager Steve. If I can master the Sarah Palin imitation I may do that but not unless I have it down really well. We shall see.
It's 1:20 am on Saturday technically, I should get to sleep. This is the first weekend in a long time that I really can just relax and do nothing. I did all of my homework while waiting for Evan to get out of work last night. High five Jen.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Summer's over....
Adios summer 08, you will be missed!
Monday, August 25, 2008
weird dream
Compared to other dreams I've had in the past, this one seems quite normal. For some reason though, it's sticking in my head and I'm tempted to try to fall back asleep and pick up where I left off...but its 1:40 in the afternoon and I have to leave for work in 3 hours.
Speaking of work, this is the last week I'll be working during the week at Michaels for a while. School starts again on September 4th and I'd like to enjoy the last few days before then and just work the weekends that I am home. However, I really want to leave Michaels. Most of the people who I'm good friends with there are leaving/have left already and I really just don't like it there anymore. I used to enjoy going to work but now I can care less about doing my job well. As soon as I find another means of gathering income I'm out of there.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Philadelphia 8/16/08
Independence Hall
The Kimmel Center where Spamalot is playing until the end of August
The show was great. I saw it on broadway the day before Les Mis closed just because Gary told me he was joining the touring cast and I wanted to see what he was getting himself into. I have to say, the tour (though I'm quite biased because Gary is King Arthur) was much, much better than the broadway version. Gary was a fantastic King and he had the audience in the palm of his hand. In my opinion, with Roger DeBris from The Producers being the best, King Arthur may just be his next best role possibly ever. He was really great!
After the show, I waited about 30 seconds or so then Gary came out of the theater and we started walking back to the hotel. I think we were talking about Europe mostly haha. Anyways, when we got back to their hotel, Gary called Jeff to see if he was coming outside to meet us but he told Gary that he was paying bills and that we should just go up to the room. So we went upstairs to their room to hang out for a while. We watched a lot of CNN, I drank some strange Italian soda they had ( but it was very good), and we played with Charli.
Gary walking in front of Charli haha
For a while now Jeff and I settled on a plan to get cheesesteaks and italian ices when I came to Philadelphia so that was our idea for dinner. There was a marketplace not to far down the road that they said had a lot to choose from but they closed pretty early so we left Charli asleep in the room and went out to get dinner. When we got to the market, pretty much everything there was closed or closing but there was a nice italian restaurant so we got a table outside to eat. We started off with this really good salad and then proceeded to eat our weight in pasta. All of us were extremely full haha. Once again, they said that the meal was on them but I kept insisting to pay at least something. But Gary said that he was going to wait until we went out to a very expensive restaurant and then I could pay for everything because this would simply be a waste hahaha. I managed to have a bus boy take a picture of us right before we left, too bad it's not in focus really.
We left the restaurant and headed back to the hotel. However, not much longer after getting back did Gary have to leave to go back to the theater and do the 8:00 show. I grabbed a picture with him right before he left and then he told me that he'd see me again when they got back to NY, yay.
Gary left at about a quarter to 7 so that left me with just about an hour to hang out with Jeff. We talked for a bit and then we decided to verse eachother in Word Twist, a game which I have not been able to been him in for several months now actually. I lost by 2 freaking points, 2! Ugh. It was fun though.
That would be Jeff's gameface.
Jeff got Charli and the 3 of us went outside to catch a cab right out of the hotel. While waiting on the sidewalk a bunch of people started coming up and freaking out about Charli and how cute she was haha. We finally got a cab and I gave Jeff a hug goodbye and we decided that we definitely would get together in Ny soon. It sucked to leave but I had a really nice time with everyone and a great day.
Friday, August 15, 2008
I'm back
Tomorrow I'm going to Philadelphia to spend the day with Gary and Jeff and see Spamalot in the afternoon to watch Gary rock out as King Arthur. I haven't seen him, or Jeff, since January when Les Mis closed so I'm really looking forward to seeing them. It promises to be a fun time!
The vacation vlog is in the works, I've been really lazy lately with the video stuff lately so bare with me.
Danielle is leaving me in 7 days for New Paltz, blahhh. I'll miss her tons but her first break is the weekend of October birthday!
and I love my boyfriend.
That's all for now
Friday, July 4, 2008
Summer Lovin'
At the moment I'm sitting in my dad's den watching standup by George Carlin and it's very funny. Speaking of reality show airs on sunday...I LOVE MONEY! The best contestants from I Love New York, Flavor of Love, and Rock of Love in a house together, a.k.a FREAKING SWEEEEEET!
Oh yeah, so the short film thing I made for Marissa and Danielle's AP Euro class got rave reviews from the class. It should be up on youtube at some point this week. I'm also probably going to make a vacation video blog so that should be fun.
Updates during the week from the lake house. See ya!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Blue Skidoo, Jen Can Too!
A quick plot summary of the movie: Marissa, Danielle and I are high school students studying for our art history final in a museum. I am not prepared at all and I jokingly suggest that we should be able to skidoo into paintings like in Blue's Clues and just talk to the artists themselves. Danielle then hits me and knocks me out and her and Marissa leave the museum while I'm unconscious on the floor. A dream sequence then begins and I wake up in new clothes( so I look like Steve from Blue's Clues) and I'm able to skidoo into a bunch of paintings and I then talk to a few artists and all that. Ultimately, I get an A on the test and the terrible friends who left me at the museum fail.
Filming has been a very aggrivating process so far, but it's pretty fun. It's not even my project and I'm doing 70% of the work, I love that. I do school work when I"m not in school and I could care less about my own classes during the semester. We've mainly just been filming at our houses but yesterday morning we all went to the public library really early to film the opening scene which takes place in the museum, since the upper level of the library is an art gallery. We even got a security guard to be in it which was really funny. I'll most likely upload it to youtube when it's finished within the next 2 weeks.
Evan and I are going to see the new Indiana Jones movie tomorrow night, I'm so excited. Him and I have been watching the first 3 this week to refresh our memories. I used to pretend I was Indiana Jones when I was little, I have an authentic hat which cost my parents quite a bit of money, rugged adventure wear and I carried a jumprope in my belt loop as my whip. I was tough...things haven't changed at all ;) Anyways, things with Evan are going really well, I really like him. I haven't been this happy in quite a long time so hooray for that!!
I guess that's all for now. It's almost June already, yikes.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Happy Happy Happy!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
It's over!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Travel Channel Blues...
Once we finally got into the museum we went to the information desk to get tickets. I got the both of us in for free because I told someone on the phone the day before that I was 16 (16 years and younger get in free) but I don't have any form of identification to prove my age, only an ID from my sophomore year of high school, so this lady put my name on the Staff Guest List..he he he. So we made our way up to the 4th floor and 5th floors where I had to find 3 paintings/sculptures with a common link to write about in my paper. But on our way up we noticed that the 3rd floor was, well, yellow. These lights they had in the hallway made you lose all pigmentation in your skin and clothing and you were pretty much black, white, and yellow. So after finding my paintings we went back downstairs to that floor and messed around for a while.
Get it, Time....Klock. Don't hate. Thats the yellow room!
So this actually turned out to be a pretty cool blog hopefully someone actually reads this.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I honestly cannot wait for classes to end. I know I sound like every other student in the world but god, some of my classes are just killing me. 18 credits is not easy whatsoever but ironically enough, I think I have a pretty good shot at making this my 4.0 gpa semester. Watch I'll get one A- and itll be a 3.95 haha, but I'm doing really good. I'm extremely proud of myself.
I just remembered that I have a webcam on my laptop, I should put that to use one of these days. Maybe I'll make one of those v-logs that have become oh so trendy nowadays. Klock the Blogger Vlogger...catchy.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
First post!
So this is my first post on this blog! Wow, I haven't had one of these things since I used Blurty back in 7th and 8th grade. I figured it was appropriate to start "blogging" tonight mainly because I went on my first audition tonight, after quite a long hiatus. It was for the play Brighton Beach Memoirs, which is absolutely fantastic, at the Airport Playhouse in Bohemia, a town about 25 minutes away from me. I heard about the audition just 2 days ago and thought,what the hell, lets do it. I read for the part of Nora with another girl, probably about the age of 14 or so, who read for the younger sister Laurie. I really like Nora's character. It's a pretty small part but the few scenes that she's in are really enjoyable. Overall I think it went well, especially for my first audition for a show since I was what, 10? Honestly, I'm not expecting anything to come out of it, I just did it for the experience but hey, who knows. I believe the director said that the final decision should be made by next Saturday. I'll keep this posted!
As for another first, I'm beginning voice lessons tomorrow, which I have not done since I was 7. 4:15 tomorrow afternoon and then from there I'm going straight back to school for 3 hours for my History of Modern Art class....woo hoo! Speaking of school, I have advisement scheduling tomorrow morning for next fall and I don't even have a mock schedule set up yet. Go Jen.
It's 8:30, you know what that means......ROCK OF LOVE 2 FINALE IS ON IN 30 MINUTES!!! Ambre is going to kick major ass (or so I hope!) - she was actually my favorite from the beginning but I did not think she would even make it this far in the competition. I was surprised but hey, good for her! Sorry, I'm a reality tv junkie...Ok well I guess that is all. Time for some food and then Rock of Love finale! Lets see if I actually use this thing...goodnight!