Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's over!

Hey guys, wow sorry I'm really slacking on this whole blogging thing. My classes really got the best of me this past week so I've had very little time to myself. But I don't have to worry about that happening anymore...CLASSES ARE OVER! WOOOOO. I only have 3 finals to take which all should be somewhat easy. So hooray for me being a college sophomore at 17 years old! haha.

I'm finally getting a new cell phone soon. I'm ordering it in a few minutes so it should be here by the end of the week. Same number and all that jazz, just now I'll have a Blackberry Pearl instead of my Razr that has given me hell since last year when I got it. My Razr likes to turn off randomly and reset itself often and that's always a good time so thankfully it is being replaced.
I have a lot to talk about in this entry since I'm behind a week or so. Last Wednesday on campus was Spring Fling - just a little hang out thing in the Quad during Common Hour. Though it is one of my days off during the week I had to go to school and help out with my acting class since an elementary school was coming to the college. My friend Joe and I had the worst kids ever. They were 3rd graders and they were just maniacs. Working with them cemented my decision to not have kids. No joke, haha. Anyway, after attempting improvs and other games witht hem, a few of the guys from class and myself went to the Spring Fling thing as it was beginning. Right away we grabbed some bbq food and then we spotted this blow up obstacle course where you can race someone so my friend John and I raced first, then I raced Carlee, and then I raced James twice. It was much harder than it looked! I was exhausted by the end and I was graced with a battle wound on my elbow from a loose piece of velcro that I rubbed my arm on while climbing. After that fun adventure, Evan met up with us and we decided to go over to the Campus Crusade for Christ table. Me, John, and Carlee decided to do this activity where they put 3 gumballs in a styrofoam bowl and covered it with whipped cream and the objective was to get all 3 gumballs just using your mouth and then blow a bubble. Sounds easy right? HAH god it was so hard haha. Once I finally found the gumballs I couldnt blow a bubble cause the whipped cream blended with the gum. Gross. John won, I pretty much came in second, and who knows what the hell Carlee was doing haha. We all were so gross and Evan stuck around to watch which was nice :) After that I went home. And yeah... haha There are only a few days where I really love my school and that was one of those days.

The next day (Last Thursday) I went into the city with my step brother's fiance Shannon to celebrate her birthday so we saw a show and after we went out to dinner and ordered over $60 worth of food between the two of us. Keep in mind that our combined weight is barely over 200 pounds haha. It was a good time.

And I look extremely attractive in that picture! Anyways, so after dinner we were catching the 12:19 am train back to Manhasset where Zack (my step-brother) was picking us up. While waiting around by the LIRR board Shannon all of a sudden says "Look it's Tailor Made!" (from I Love New York 2 ) and it was him! He looked so nervous and scared it was hysterical. We followed him around the station for a few minutes and by the t ime we were going to ask him for a picture we lost h im in the crowd.
This past weekend was eh, I went to my Dads house and just got in some good relaxing time. Nothing really eventful happened. Well I guess that's all! I promise to update more often since now I know people actually read this and I'm getting yelled at for not updating enough! haha. Until next time...
I'm really looking forward

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