Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Travel Channel Blues...

It's been a few days since the last update, I've been so busy...not like anyone actually reads this anyway haha. I'm sitting in my living room watching the travel channel since they're doing a show on Disney World. I miss that place! Since the year I was born my family and I have gone there every year and many times twice a year up till 2 summers ago. 22 times man. They've added so many attractions since I last went there, some of them look really cool. The moral of the story is; someone take me there soon! I don't even know what else to write, life has been pretty dull these past few days. Though classes are over in a little over a week, I have so much work to do for History of Modern Art and Introduction to Ecology, and everythings due Monday!

Ok speaking of History of Modern Art, I have to write a 7 page paper on a visit to the Museum of Modern Art for class (due Monday night) and I went to the museum this past Saturday, the 19th. I made Andrew meet me in the city at 8 something in the morning and because of the freaking Pope being in town, everything was chaos. They closed off 6th and 5th Avenues which means Andrew and I walked around for a little over an hour trying to get past the police barricades. We encountered a bunch of Atheist protests, a Neo-Nazi group, and shit load of people selling Pope t-shirts, buttons, and keychains.

Once we finally got into the museum we went to the information desk to get tickets. I got the both of us in for free because I told someone on the phone the day before that I was 16 (16 years and younger get in free) but I don't have any form of identification to prove my age, only an ID from my sophomore year of high school, so this lady put my name on the Staff Guest List..he he he. So we made our way up to the 4th floor and 5th floors where I had to find 3 paintings/sculptures with a common link to write about in my paper. But on our way up we noticed that the 3rd floor was, well, yellow. These lights they had in the hallway made you lose all pigmentation in your skin and clothing and you were pretty much black, white, and yellow. So after finding my paintings we went back downstairs to that floor and messed around for a while.

Get it, Time....Klock. Don't hate. Thats the yellow room!

So this actually turned out to be a pretty cool blog hopefully someone actually reads this.

1 comment:

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