Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Aloha. Ok so I was right about Ambre winning Rock of Love, yay! I've decided that I need to start entering pools and betting on the outcomes and weekly eliminations of reality television. Lets get something going there haha. Speaking of eliminations, I still can't believe Michael Johns was kicked off of American Idol last week! He was my favorite by far, along with Brooke White. Actually it was pretty funny. I was hanging out with Danny Hernandez, Matt Cooper and Lauren last Thursday night and we left Matt's house a few minutes after American Idol (elimination night) started and I said to Danny how the guy on the far right was Michael Johns and that he was my favorite and he was gorgeous and Australian haha. I called my house at 9 and asked my mom to tell me who got voted off and Michael did...talk about a WTF moment. Whatever, he'll have a record deal in no time. I can't take David Archuleta anymore...yeah he's cute but his "I'm here to save mankind and bring goodness to the world!" attitude has got to go. And that just about wraps up my Idol rant for this week. Actually, no I lied, elimination night tomorrow. (I really do have a life, honestly)
I honestly cannot wait for classes to end. I know I sound like every other student in the world but god, some of my classes are just killing me. 18 credits is not easy whatsoever but ironically enough, I think I have a pretty good shot at making this my 4.0 gpa semester. Watch I'll get one A- and itll be a 3.95 haha, but I'm doing really good. I'm extremely proud of myself.
I just remembered that I have a webcam on my laptop, I should put that to use one of these days. Maybe I'll make one of those v-logs that have become oh so trendy nowadays. Klock the Blogger Vlogger...catchy.

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