Thursday, December 18, 2008

And so it begins.

Classes ended on December 5th. I had my music final on the 12th and my education final on the 16th. I am now officially done with the semester and it feels awesome. To quote Evan from a post on my facebook wall, this will be "the most epic winter break of all time". Why is this you ask? Well...

1. Myboyfriend is now even more awesome than usual because he isn't drowning himself in an immense amount of 10 page papers.
2. Danielle comes home tomorrow
3. My sister and her family are coming to visit for a few days after Christmas
4. Dan DeLuca, his family, and I are going to see Shrek on January 2nd. And I'll get to see Andrew that afternoon too!
5. Dad's 64th birthday is January 3rd
6. Animal Collective Merriweather Post Pavilion listening party on January 5th in the city with Evan.
7. Seeing Billy Elliot sometime in mid January and then getting to see Gary and Jeff the same day!
8. 8 months with Evan on the 14th
9. January 20th: Animal Collective show/Obama/MPP release

There's bound to be more awesome happenings during the break. Yay!

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