Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Travel Channel Blues...

It's been a few days since the last update, I've been so busy...not like anyone actually reads this anyway haha. I'm sitting in my living room watching the travel channel since they're doing a show on Disney World. I miss that place! Since the year I was born my family and I have gone there every year and many times twice a year up till 2 summers ago. 22 times man. They've added so many attractions since I last went there, some of them look really cool. The moral of the story is; someone take me there soon! I don't even know what else to write, life has been pretty dull these past few days. Though classes are over in a little over a week, I have so much work to do for History of Modern Art and Introduction to Ecology, and everythings due Monday!

Ok speaking of History of Modern Art, I have to write a 7 page paper on a visit to the Museum of Modern Art for class (due Monday night) and I went to the museum this past Saturday, the 19th. I made Andrew meet me in the city at 8 something in the morning and because of the freaking Pope being in town, everything was chaos. They closed off 6th and 5th Avenues which means Andrew and I walked around for a little over an hour trying to get past the police barricades. We encountered a bunch of Atheist protests, a Neo-Nazi group, and shit load of people selling Pope t-shirts, buttons, and keychains.

Once we finally got into the museum we went to the information desk to get tickets. I got the both of us in for free because I told someone on the phone the day before that I was 16 (16 years and younger get in free) but I don't have any form of identification to prove my age, only an ID from my sophomore year of high school, so this lady put my name on the Staff Guest List..he he he. So we made our way up to the 4th floor and 5th floors where I had to find 3 paintings/sculptures with a common link to write about in my paper. But on our way up we noticed that the 3rd floor was, well, yellow. These lights they had in the hallway made you lose all pigmentation in your skin and clothing and you were pretty much black, white, and yellow. So after finding my paintings we went back downstairs to that floor and messed around for a while.

Get it, Time....Klock. Don't hate. Thats the yellow room!

So this actually turned out to be a pretty cool blog hopefully someone actually reads this.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Aloha. Ok so I was right about Ambre winning Rock of Love, yay! I've decided that I need to start entering pools and betting on the outcomes and weekly eliminations of reality television. Lets get something going there haha. Speaking of eliminations, I still can't believe Michael Johns was kicked off of American Idol last week! He was my favorite by far, along with Brooke White. Actually it was pretty funny. I was hanging out with Danny Hernandez, Matt Cooper and Lauren last Thursday night and we left Matt's house a few minutes after American Idol (elimination night) started and I said to Danny how the guy on the far right was Michael Johns and that he was my favorite and he was gorgeous and Australian haha. I called my house at 9 and asked my mom to tell me who got voted off and Michael about a WTF moment. Whatever, he'll have a record deal in no time. I can't take David Archuleta anymore...yeah he's cute but his "I'm here to save mankind and bring goodness to the world!" attitude has got to go. And that just about wraps up my Idol rant for this week. Actually, no I lied, elimination night tomorrow. (I really do have a life, honestly)
I honestly cannot wait for classes to end. I know I sound like every other student in the world but god, some of my classes are just killing me. 18 credits is not easy whatsoever but ironically enough, I think I have a pretty good shot at making this my 4.0 gpa semester. Watch I'll get one A- and itll be a 3.95 haha, but I'm doing really good. I'm extremely proud of myself.
I just remembered that I have a webcam on my laptop, I should put that to use one of these days. Maybe I'll make one of those v-logs that have become oh so trendy nowadays. Klock the Blogger Vlogger...catchy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

First post!

Hey guys,
So this is my first post on this blog! Wow, I haven't had one of these things since I used Blurty back in 7th and 8th grade. I figured it was appropriate to start "blogging" tonight mainly because I went on my first audition tonight, after quite a long hiatus. It was for the play Brighton Beach Memoirs, which is absolutely fantastic, at the Airport Playhouse in Bohemia, a town about 25 minutes away from me. I heard about the audition just 2 days ago and thought,what the hell, lets do it. I read for the part of Nora with another girl, probably about the age of 14 or so, who read for the younger sister Laurie. I really like Nora's character. It's a pretty small part but the few scenes that she's in are really enjoyable. Overall I think it went well, especially for my first audition for a show since I was what, 10? Honestly, I'm not expecting anything to come out of it, I just did it for the experience but hey, who knows. I believe the director said that the final decision should be made by next Saturday. I'll keep this posted!
As for another first, I'm beginning voice lessons tomorrow, which I have not done since I was 7. 4:15 tomorrow afternoon and then from there I'm going straight back to school for 3 hours for my History of Modern Art class....woo hoo! Speaking of school, I have advisement scheduling tomorrow morning for next fall and I don't even have a mock schedule set up yet. Go Jen.
It's 8:30, you know what that means......ROCK OF LOVE 2 FINALE IS ON IN 30 MINUTES!!! Ambre is going to kick major ass (or so I hope!) - she was actually my favorite from the beginning but I did not think she would even make it this far in the competition. I was surprised but hey, good for her! Sorry, I'm a reality tv junkie...Ok well I guess that is all. Time for some food and then Rock of Love finale! Lets see if I actually use this thing...goodnight!