Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fall Be Kind

Evan and I are the luckiest Animal Collective fans in the world.
Thank you Domino Records, for making this error of sending us a physical copy of the EP one month before the release.
We love you.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I want to fast forward to Christmas and give Evan his presents
and then fast forward to his birthday and give him more presents
and then fast forward to the summer so we can relax

Hey Ev :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy May 1st!

It's finally May!! I have only three days of classes left (we end this Wednesday 5/6) and then finals the following week but I'm concerned about those.  May is going to be such a great month. On the 13th Evan and I are going to see Animal Collective again, the 14th is our one year (!!!!), the 16th we're seeing Dan Deacon, the 20th-21st is six flags with ev, john, sean, and ashley,  and the 28th we're seeing Grizzly Bear. Best month? Yes

Last week was Evan's 21st birthday. He was sick the night of his actual birthday so he and I just relaxed for a few hours.  That friday night a bunch of us went to Global Sports Bar to watch the Ranger game and spend the night there. It was a good time despite the hangovers the following morning.

This weekend will be a long and work filled one.  Most of my major assignments aren't due till the day of the class final so technically I still have a good 10 days or so to get most of them done.  However, between wanting to actually enjoy myself and having enough time to study for finals I might as well get most of my work done this weekend when Evan has a shitload of work to do as well.  My plan for today is to get a short paper for Western Civ done (i'm about 3/4 done now) and then finish outlining my 15 pager for Political Science and possibly start writing up parts of that tonight.

Bring it on, Summer.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I'm returning from a very long, stressful, and upsetting hiatus.  It's now mid April and I believe my last post was in December.  A lot has happened between then and now, I won't go into much detail because anyone who actually reads this is well aware of what has happened.  I lost my father on February 27th.  I've been ok for the most part but more recently I've been breaking down every night but just the thought of seeing him one more time.  A lot of little things spark sadness such as not being able to tell my dad that I've been getting 100's on the last few midterms and research papers I've handed in.  Or the fact that Michael Scott quit Dunder Mifflin and is now self employed along with Pam and Ryan.  He would have loved to hear that - he hated Michael Scott. God, I miss you Dad.

In other news, Evan and I are still going strong.  We've been together 11 months as of yesterday and I couldn't be more in love with him.  He's so great, I can't even begin to describe it.  I don't think I'd be here right now if it wasn't for him, I probably would have driven myself off a bridge but knowing that someone in Blue Point truly cares for me ultimately preventing something of that nature from happening.

The semester has been going really well so far and it's practically over . Classes end in just 3 weeks from today and I couldn't be more excited.  It will certainly be a very busy 3 weeks but the end result will be golden.  Hopefully Evan gets through all his stuff without much hassle - he really has his work cut out for him but he'll be fine. He's a great student.  This sounds super lame but I just realized that a year ago tomorrow is when he and I started talking to each other.  I'll have to bring that up to him tomorrow night.  He'll probably question me on how the hell I knew that and then proceed to call me lame/pathetic/crazy. Worth it :)

Oh, and check this guy out:
His name is Jobin and he's my creature on Spore.  Isn't he a cutie?  I just bought a mac two weeks ago, along with my mom, and decided to bring back my inner computer game geek.  Spore, Fable, and the Sims 3( June 2nd! someone should preorder it for me because i lack $$) = love.

I should probably get back to reading for political science...nothing hard, just boring and tedious work.  Bureaucratic agencies woo hoo!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

And so it begins.

Classes ended on December 5th. I had my music final on the 12th and my education final on the 16th. I am now officially done with the semester and it feels awesome. To quote Evan from a post on my facebook wall, this will be "the most epic winter break of all time". Why is this you ask? Well...

1. Myboyfriend is now even more awesome than usual because he isn't drowning himself in an immense amount of 10 page papers.
2. Danielle comes home tomorrow
3. My sister and her family are coming to visit for a few days after Christmas
4. Dan DeLuca, his family, and I are going to see Shrek on January 2nd. And I'll get to see Andrew that afternoon too!
5. Dad's 64th birthday is January 3rd
6. Animal Collective Merriweather Post Pavilion listening party on January 5th in the city with Evan.
7. Seeing Billy Elliot sometime in mid January and then getting to see Gary and Jeff the same day!
8. 8 months with Evan on the 14th
9. January 20th: Animal Collective show/Obama/MPP release

There's bound to be more awesome happenings during the break. Yay!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Kovu and Thanksgiving and school, oh my!

So a lot has changed in these last few weeks. Firstly, I made the decision to rehome Kovu, my Siberian Husky due to the fact that I'm rarely ever home and when I am home I do not want to be bothered with him, or anyone. And for him to spend 10 hours a day in a crate is not fair at all. This one woman, Karen, called me about him and after coming over to meet him and they got along so well, everything seemed so perfect. Little things such as how she used to have a cat named Kiara (who's love interest was Kovu in the Lion King 2) and that her youngest son's favorite Disney character was Kovu just made it seem like it was meant to be and I wasn't at all worried about giving Kovu to this family. I brought him there one Saturday night and their pomeranian, Bella, didn't like Ko' at all but we all figured that it would take some time.

I went to Evan's that night, then went to work early the next morning and I heard my cell phone ring in my pocket and saw Karen's number and my heart immediately sank because I figured that either Kovu ate Bella or Kovu ran away. But I listened to the voicemail and she basically said how Bella showed no signs of wanting to get along with Kovu and that it wasn't going to work out. And as I got home from work that afternoon, Kovu was laying in my room. I was devasted because it I had to go through this process all over again of trying to find a good family to take him. My mom's friend suggested that I post an ad on Craigs List for Kovu and so a few days later I did just that and within minutes I received an overwhelming response from interested people. After talking to a bunch of different families I decided to give Kovu to this family from Lindenhurst, Leon and Helena. Kovu seemed so happy when he was with them and now I'm really happy that he has a great home!

For Thanksgiving Johnny, Kerry, and Jack came up from Georgia for a few days and it was so great seeing them. Sucks that they live so far away :/ They're my favorites!

Jack-Jack and my Dad :)

Tomorrow and Friday are my last 2 days of classes for the semester. YAY! I'm more excited over the fact that I won't have this crazed monster as my boyfriend for one whole month, he'll actually be somewhat normal and enjoyable, thank god.

I probably should get back to studying for political science and spanish...see ya!

p.s. Christmas is in 22 days

Monday, November 10, 2008

January 20th, 2009

January 20th 2009....

The inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States

The release of Animal Collective's 9th studio album, Merriweather Post Pavilion

And as of yesterday around 3:30 pm, Evan and I will be seeing Animal Collective in the city that night.

Fuck yes.